Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tips for choosing a skin bleaching cream

Have you happened to search for a skin bleaching cream online ? If you did, you certainly stumbled upon many products saying they are all great. So in this cool article you will get tips to help you choose the right product :

If you want to lighten the complexion safely then you must buy safe natural products. You must be aware of your skin type to be able to choose the suitable cream or lotions that are safe. You must consult your beautician or dermatologist in case you have no idea about this.

You can read the whole article here : Tips For Choosing A Skin Lightening Cream

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stretch mark treatment in the news

It has been all about stretch mark treatment in the news these past two weeks. Would you opt for laser, industrial cosmetics or home remedies ? This article will browse you through some options, as for example  :

Laser treatments or microdermabrasion method is often suggested for eradicating the scars although such Cures For Stretch Marks are more expensive and painful. Applying the laser therapy helps to promote new collagen growth that fills the stretched gaps in the skin and assures positive results in a short time

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Do it yourself skin bleaching cream

For those of us who have the time or like to do things by ourselves, here is a great article about home made skin bleaching cream. As to advantages for example :

The added advantage of using them is that the ingredients involved can be easily found in your kitchen and they also require very little time in preparation.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Alternatives to laser skin surgery

In modern skin rejuvenation schemes laser skin surgery is widespread. But there are alternatives that are as good and sometimes preferable to it, as is explained in this great article :

Lasers are everywhere and play an important role for Washington DC area skin rejuvenation patients. However, cosmetic laser treatments aren’t the only or the best answer for every aesthetic patient.